The Divorce Process

The Divorce Process:

  • Call our Dallas, Denton, or Lewisville family and divorce law office for a free initial phone consultation about the divorce process with one of our Denton, Dallas, Tarrant, or Collin County divorce lawyers. If you decide to hire the firm, we will need a written fee agreement to begin work. No work will be initiated until the full fee has been paid in advance. The initial client consultation does not mean that you have retained the firm.
  • We will e-mail you an Original Petition Information form and a Final Decree Information Form. For more information about our firm, click here.
  • Fill this out and return it to our office via e-mail (if using a pro se service) or bring it with you to your first in-office consultation. This will allow our attorney to gather the information needed to begin drafting your documents.
  • We will draft your divorce petition and other documents for you. If you are using the pro se service, we will send you the documents you need to file. If you are using the attorney representation service, we will file all documents for you, but you will be responsible for paying the filing fees.
  • We will also draft a waiver of service for your spouse to sign. This must be both signed and notarized. Once this waiver is filed, your spouse will not need to be served by a constable or private process server, and will not need to file an answer to the divorce petition. If your spouse refuses to sign the waiver, the matter becomes contested and the normal hourly fees will apply.
  • If you have elected to use the pro se service, we will send you both the original documents to file with the court and copies to keep for your records. Your documents will be accompanied by detailed instructions on how to complete your divorce.
  • After all appropriate documents have been filed, and the required 60-day waiting period has passed, you will have to show up in court for a “prove-up” hearing. If you are using our Attorney Representation services, an attorney will appear in court with you.

Call for Texas Divorce process information and attorney representation services, based in Dallas, Lewisville, and Denton, Texas.

What Will It Cost Me?

The No-Frills Divorce is a flat-rate program. The options listed on our Services page DO NOT include court costs and filing fees. Filing fees and court costs will vary by county, so the total out-of-pocket price for each option may be different depending on your county of filing. Additional charges for extra services and documents are listed on our Services page.

If you are interested in our services and want more information about the divorce process – Call our Dallas, Denton, and Lewisville, Texas, offices Today!

Dial (972) 353-4600 and say, “I want the No-Frills deal!”
Or e-mail us at moc.s1737456593reywa1737456593lthgi1737456593rweht1737456593@kcir1737456593taP1737456593

We are a Dallas, Denton, Collin County, and Tarrant County family law firm offering a low-cost program for uncontested divorce in Dallas, Collin, Tarrant, and Denton Counties. We also offer pro se divorce drafting assistance across the State of Texas. Our principal offices are located in Dallas, Denton, and Lewisville. Sorry, we cannot represent individuals outside the State of Texas.